
Where is the price coming from?

Haderslev District Heating is a Cooperative and is operating under a special Danish legislation for district heating companies.

The legislation mandates that the economy, of our Cooperativ, must not yield a profit and our prices are therefore set, so that these cover the company's costs.

What is the budget I recieved?

The budget you have received shows what we expect you will use for heat (space heating and hot water) until 31 December 20XX and the prepayment rates you must prepay, which a divided into cost groups:

“Effektbetaling” is a payment for access to receive district heating in your home at is regardless of your actual heat consumption.

“Administrationsbidrag” is a payment for the administration of your customer relationship with Haderslev Fjernvarme and is also regardless of your actual heat consumption.

How many times a year do I have to pay for the heating?

The payment dates are: 1 August, 1 October and 1 December.

You get the money back if you spend less than the budget. If your heat consumption is lower than the budget we send you, and the first prepayment on your budget for 2025 will be deducted what you may have prepaid more than on your budget. If so what we might owe you more than covers the first prepayment next year, the rest amount will be transferred to your bank account.

How do Haderslev District Heating know how much I use?

The heat meter is connected wireless to our reading and billing system, so we only charge you for the heat you consume in the period from when you moved in.

What do I do if I still dont have a Danich bank account?

You can make a transfer to our bank account: IBAN nr.: DK1179150001000167 and BIC kode : SYBKDK22
